Reloading this blog on GitHub Pages with Jekyll

Hey there ! It has been a long time since I have posted anything on my old Dotclear blog. I used to write things for myself, to share the little knowledge I gained, interesting websites, and good security practices.

It was written in French, my mother tongue, and was left abandoned, but I felt that there would be a wide variety of topics I would love to talk about, and I wanted a new start. To be able to share with more people across the world, I also wanted to write the content in English. Sorry for the misspellings, mistakes, and other weird sentences, don’t hesitate to post a comment to correct me !

I wanted a fast (my previous hoster, Olympe Network , is doing a wonderful work to provide free, ad-free, and opensource hosting to ~50000 users, but the performances weren’t good enough), simple, and customizable blog.

Why Github Pages and Jekyll

First, Github Pages is a really simple (free) way to publish static code : just push code in the gh-pages branch of a repository and it will become available at ! GitHub pages are using Fastly CDN to improve loading times, which makes it fast.

But as only static (HTML for instance) pages can be committed, you will need Jekyll to manage the global layout, structure and formatting :

  • Ability to write content in markdown or textile in your favorite text-editor.
  • Ability to write and preview your content via localhost.
  • No internet connection required (to edit and preview the content).
  • Ability to publish via git.
  • Ability to host your blog on a static web-server, like GitHub Pages.
  • No database required.

How ?

I often do “bang-documentation”, meaning that I only provide the key steps to achieve the goal, assuming that you are able to find more detailed documentation by yourself if needed. If a part is unclear, though, please leave me a comment and I will fix it !

I used Jekyll Bootstrap, which use pre-built HTML Bootstrap pages instead of Liquid templating : directly editing HTML seems to me easier than learning a new templating language.

Here is the process I followed to build this blog, you can find the original quickstart guide here :

  1. Fork or clone/push it into a new public / private repository

     git clone jekyll-blog
     cd jekyll-blog
     git remote set-url origin
     git push origin master:gh-pages
  2. Add a CNAME file and entry in your DNS zone

     echo "" > CNAME
     git add CNAME && git ci -m "Add CNAME file" && git push
     # You will also need to edit your DNS zone to point the right subdomain to your github pages (
  3. Run gem install --user-install jekyll on your computer to install Jekyll

  4. Configure /_config.yml to your needs (for example, the blog’s name or a Piwik / Google Analytics tracking ID)

  5. Launch the built-in webserver with jekyll serve then head to (will autoreload the server when you create/edit content, but it doesn’t watch the /_config.yml file)

  6. Create your first blog post with

     rake post title="My first blog post !"

    Then edit the newly created file in /_posts/.

  7. Choose a nice theme from and install it with

     rake theme:install git=""
  8. Change the landing page in / Pages can be placed anywhere (root directory or subdirectory to class them) but must contain the YAML Front-matter header.

  9. Commit, push, and enjoy !

Published: December 13 2014